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Karma Riuk 2023-05-19 10:24:58 +02:00
commit 7c345469e9
14 changed files with 756 additions and 0 deletions

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Binary file not shown.

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\author{Arnaud Fauconnet}
\title{From flying balls to colliding polygons}
\subtitle{2D Physics Engine: Rigid Body Simulation}
\advisor[Universit\`a della Svizzera Italiana,
\abstract {
Physics engines are a fun and interesting way to learn about a lot of
different subjects. First the theoretical concepts, such as the equations
that dictate the motion of the objects, together with their components, need
to be thoroughly understood. Then there is the necessity of finding a way to
represent all of those concepts in a given programming language and to
make them as efficient as possible so that the simulation runs fluidly.
The task to be completed here was to extend an already existing
physics engine that only made circles bounce off each other. The extension
was focused on having the ability to generate some arbitrary polygons and
make them bounce off each other in a physically accurate way. The main
issues that rose up during the development of the extension: determining the
inertia of a arbitrary polygon, which is important for realistic
impacts; having an accurate collision detection system, which allows the
engine to know when to make two polygons bounce off each other. Once those
aspects were worked on and polished, the rest of the implementation went
\usepackage{subfiles} % Best loaded last in the preamble

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# Bachelor Project Questions
## Code
### Question
In ``, there is the line
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
But I have the compiler error that the `gdk/gdkkeysyms.h` file is not found.
How do you install the `gdk`? Which version of `gtk` are you using?
### Answer (provisional)
I ran the command
bear -- make
It produced a `compile_commands.json` that the LSP uses to know which
directories to include.

references.bib Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
author = {Cairoglyphics},
title = {Cairo Documentation},
year = 2016,
url = {},
urldate = {2023-03-10}
author = {Cairoglyphics},
title = {Cairo Tutorial},
year = 2012,
url = {},
urldate = {2023-03-10}
author = "Jiménez, Juan José and Segura, Rafael J. and Feito, Francisco R.",
title = "Efficient collision detection between 2D polygons",
journal = "Journal of WSCG",
year = 2004,
volume = "12",
number = "1-3",
pages = "191--198"
title={Intersection of convex objects: The method of separating axes},
author={Eberly, David},
journal={WWW page},
title={The Gilbert--Johnson--Keerthi (GJK) Algorithm},
author={Jovanoski, Davor},
journal={Department of Computer Science, University of Salzburg},

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Bachelor Project Report
## Week 1
- Forked and cloned the repo
- Got accustomed to the code
- Look up cairo tutorials to understand wtf is going on
## Week 2
- Started coding
- `polygons.h` and ``
- `polygons_generator.h` and ``
- `matrix.h`
### Polygons properties
- points (`std::vector<vec2d>`): the points that form the polygon, **in local
- center (`vec2d`): where the origin of the local coordinates lies in global
- angle (`double`): how the points are rotate around the origin (to keep always
the same points but rotating them when making computations are drawing)
**interesting question for later: does computing the points rotated at each
iteration less computationally efficient than just storing them each time
the angle changes?**.
### Polygon Generator
To make life easier for testing different cases, I made a generator of polygons
that for now is able to generate any triangle and any rectangle. Simple shapes
but that are simple enough to understand what happens when they get hit. We'll
then see if the calculation for the forces transpose to any arbitrary polygon.

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\subsection{Goal of the project}
The goal of the project was to extend an existing physics engine called
"flying-balls"\footnote{The state of the project before the extension can be
found at \url{}} by Prof. Antonio
Carzaniga. This physics engine simulated the interactions between circles in a
two-dimensional space. These circles appear in the window with a random
position, together with a random initial velocity vector. The simulation would
then just calculate the position of each circle in the following frame and draw
it in its new state. If two circles were to collide with each other, the engine
would detect it and make those circles bounce off each other. The resulting
position and speed would be decided by the physics equations that govern the
motion of such objects.
The extension this project was asked to bring is the possibility to have more
complex shapes interact with each other, such as polygons. The polygons would
have to be arbitrary and bounce off other polygons present in the scene.
\subsection{State of the art}
There are a lot of 2D physiques engines across the internet. The purpose of this
project was not to bring something new to the already existing landscape, but
rather learn how to complete every step of the process (polygons generation,
collision detection, kinematics resolution) from scratch, simply having a
pre-existing way to represent the shapes on the screen.

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\section{Proposed solution}

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\section{Technical Background}
The technical background is all the research related to the programming part of
this bachelor project. The programming language used in this project is a
mixture of C and C++, for this part, the course of Systems Programming taught by
Prof. Carzaniga during the third semester. Then came the study of the starting
point of the project, which was divided in the logic itself and the framework
used to display the state of the simulation on the screen.
\subsection{Original project}
Before starting to write any code, it was necessary to study carefully the
original project. The starting point of chosen for this specific project was the
last commit on the \texttt{c++-port} branch. The reason for this choice is that
the project originally started fully in C (which is still the case for the
\texttt{main} branch) and C++ offers more functionalities that help for a
smoother development process.

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\section{Theoretical Background}

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% LaTeX class for the Bachelor Thesis at the Faculty of Informatics of Universita' della Svizzera Italiana
% Contributors:
% Andrea Adamoli, Domenico Bianculli, Michele Lanza (original design), Jochen Wuttke
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