import * as React from 'react'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid'; import Container from '@mui/material/Container'; import Button from '../components/Button'; import Typography from '../components/Typography'; const item = { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', px: 5, }; const number = { fontSize: 24, fontFamily: 'default', color: 'secondary.main', fontWeight: 'medium', }; const image = { height: 55, my: 4, }; function ProductHowItWorks() { return ( How it works
1. Appointment every Wednesday 9am. 2. First come, first served. Our offers are in limited quantities, so be quick. 3. {'New offers every week. New experiences, new surprises. '} {'Your Sundays will no longer be alike.'}
); } export default ProductHowItWorks;