# Volumectl A small script that bundles volume control and dunst notification. Intended to be used either on command line or for keyboard shortcuts. ## Installation ### Dependencies #### Dunst Before installing and using this script, you will need to install the official [dunst](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dunst) package. Make sure you have the `dunstify` command available, that's what is needed to have a nice looking percentage bar. #### Bash Ini Reader In order to use a custom config file (which is optional, the script works without it but it's useful if you want to customise it), you need to install the [read_ini.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rudimeier/bash_ini_parser/master/read_ini.sh) script. You can do it in two different ways downloading the script directly or cloning the git repo (the script won't care which one you choose, it knows how to handle both situations). ##### Cloning the git repo ```bash git clone https://github.com/rudimeier/bash_ini_parser $HOME/.local/lib/bash_ini_parser ``` ##### Downloading the script directly ```bash mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib wget -O $HOME/.local/lib/read_ini.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rudimeier/bash_ini_parser/master/read_ini.sh chmod +x $HOME/.local/lib/read_ini.sh ``` ### Installing volumectl