# Volumectl A small script that bundles volume control and dunst notification. Intended to be used either on command line or for keyboard shortcuts. ## Installation ### Dependencies #### Dunst Before installing and using this script, you will need to install the official [dunst](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dunst) package. Make sure you have the `dunstify` command available, that's what is needed to have a nice looking percentage bar. #### Bash Ini Reader In order to use a custom config file (which is optional, the script works without it but it's uselful if you want to customise it), you need to install the [read_ini.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rudimeier/bash_ini_parser/master/read_ini.sh) script. You can do it in two different ways: ##### Downlading the script directly ```bash mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib wget -O $HOME/.local/lib/read_ini.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rudimeier/bash_ini_parser/master/read_ini.sh chmod +x $HOME/.local/lib/read_ini.sh ``` ### Installing the script