# scantopdf A quick bash script that wraps around tesseract and allows tesseract to work on pdfs of scans ## Installation To install this script, just paste these commands in the terminal ``` git clone https://git.karma-riuk.com/karma/scantopdf /tmp/scantopdf sudo cp /tmp/scantopdf/scantopdf /usr/local/bin/scantopdf sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/scantopdf ``` Please verify that the path `/usr/local/bin` is in the global variable `$PATH`. To verify this, issue the following command: ```bash echo "$PATH" | grep "/usr/local/bin" ``` if there is a line of output, you are all good! If there isn't, then issue the following command: ```bash export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" echo "export PATH=\"/usr/local/bin:\$PATH\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile ``` and everything should be okay. ### Ensure successful installation To make sure the installation has been done correctly, the following command ```bash which scantopdf ``` should have the following output ```bash /usr/local/bin/scantopdf ``` if it doesn't, try to restart the installation from scratch. ## Usage To use this script, follow this steps 1. Open a terminal 2. Go the location of the file you want to "convert" with the following command ```bash cd ``` where `` is the location of the **folder** where lies the file to convert. 3. Use the command `scantopdf` and give it, as an argument, the file you want to convert. If the file name contains **spaces**, surround it with **quotes** `"` ```bash scantopdf "I Promessi Sposi.pdf" ``` Optionally you can give it the `-v` flag (before the name of the file), to make the script verbose, so instead of doing its job without saying anything, it will print each step that it's doing. ```bash scantopdf -v "La Divina Commedia.pdf" ``` 4. You can open the converted pdf with whatever application you want, its name will be the same as the old one, but with " - EDITABLE" at the end.