package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "image/color" "maze-solver/io/reader" "maze-solver/io/writer" "maze-solver/maze" "maze-solver/maze/parser" "maze-solver/solver" "maze-solver/utils" "maze-solver/visualizer" "os" "strings" "" "" ) func main() { readerFactory, writerFactory, solverFactory, visualize, ok := parse_arguments() if !ok { return } defer utils.Timer("TOTAL", 1)() reader := readerFactory.Get() m, err := parser.Parse(reader) utils.Check(err, "Couldn't read maze") var solved_chan chan *maze.SolvedMaze = nil if visualize { solved_chan = make(chan *maze.SolvedMaze) visualizer.Init(m) } solver := solverFactory.Get(solved_chan) var solved *maze.SolvedMaze if visualize { go visualizer.Visualize(solved_chan) go func() { solved = solver.Solve(m) }() visualizer.Run() } else { solved = solver.Solve(m) } writer := writerFactory.Get(solved) err = writer.Write() utils.Check(err, "Couldn't write solved maze") } func parse_arguments() (*reader.ReaderFactory, *writer.WriterFactory, *solver.SolverFactory, bool, bool) { argparser := argparse.NewParser("maze-solver", "Solves the given maze (insane, right? who would've guessed?)") var verboseLevel *int = argparser.FlagCounter("v", "verbose", &argparse.Options{ Help: `Verbose level of the solver 0: nothing printed to stdout 1: print the total time taken by the solver (time of the main() function) 2: prints the time the solving algorithm took to run 3: prints the time taken by each section (reader, solving algorithm, writer)`, }) visualize := argparser.Flag("", "visualize", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Visualize the progress of the solver", Default: false, }) readerFactory := reader.ReaderFactory{} writerFactory := writer.WriterFactory{} solverFactory := solver.SolverFactory{} readerFactory.Type = reader.TYPES[".png"] readerFactory.Filename = argparser.String("i", "input", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Input file", Default: "maze.png", Validate: func(args []string) error { var ok bool extension := args[0][len(args[0])-4:] readerFactory.Type, ok = reader.TYPES[extension] if ok { return nil } else { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Filetype not recognized %q", extension)) } }, }) writerFactory.Type = writer.TYPES[".png"] writerFactory.Filename = argparser.String("o", "output", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Input file", Default: "maze_sol.png", Validate: func(args []string) error { var ok bool extension := args[0][len(args[0])-4:] writerFactory.Type, ok = writer.TYPES[extension] if ok { return nil } else { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Filetype not recognized %q", extension)) } }, }) readerFactory.PathChar = argparser.String("", "path-char-in", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Character to represent the path in a input text file", Default: " ", Validate: func(args []string) error { if len(args[0]) > 1 { return errors.New("Character must a string of length 1") } return nil }, }) readerFactory.WallChar = argparser.String("", "wall-char-in", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Character to represent the wall in a input text file", Default: "#", Validate: func(args []string) error { if len(args[0]) > 1 { return errors.New("Character must a string of length 1") } return nil }, }) writerFactory.PathChar = argparser.String("", "path-char-out", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Character to represent the path in a output text file", Default: " ", Validate: func(args []string) error { if len(args[0]) > 1 { return errors.New("Character must a string of length 1") } return nil }, }) writerFactory.WallChar = argparser.String("", "wall-char-out", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Character to represent the wall in a output text file", Default: "#", Validate: func(args []string) error { if len(args[0]) > 1 { return errors.New("Character must a string of length 1") } return nil }, }) cellSizeIn := argparser.Int("", "cell-size-in", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Size of a cell (in pixels) for input file of image type", Default: 3, }) cellSizeOut := argparser.Int("", "cell-size-out", &argparse.Options{ Help: "Size of a cell (in pixels) for output file of image type", Default: 3, }) solverFactory.Type = argparser.Selector("a", "algo", solver.TYPES, &argparse.Options{ Help: fmt.Sprintf("Algorithm to solve the maze, avaiable options: %s", strings.Join(solver.TYPES, ", ")), Default: solver.TYPES[0], }) if err := argparser.Parse(os.Args); err != nil { fmt.Println(argparser.Usage(err)) return nil, nil, nil, false, false } utils.VERBOSE_LEVEL = *verboseLevel readerFactory.CellHeight, readerFactory.CellWidth = cellSizeIn, cellSizeIn readerFactory.WallColor = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255} readerFactory.PathColor = color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 255} writerFactory.CellHeight, writerFactory.CellWidth = cellSizeOut, cellSizeOut writerFactory.WallColor = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255} writerFactory.PathColor = color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 255} writerFactory.SolutionGradient = colorgrad.Warm() return &readerFactory, &writerFactory, &solverFactory, *visualize, true }