Karma Riuk a424fec9a9 Now when polygons collide, they get moved by the overlap to ensure that
they don't get stuck in the following frames, it works very well and
Carza is happy :))))))
2023-05-19 15:24:11 +02:00

268 lines
8.1 KiB

#include "polygons.h"
#include "balls.h" // just for the restitution_coefficient_get() function,
// prolly should be placed in another header file
#include "cairo.h"
#include "collisions.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "gravity.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "polygon_generator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
polygon* polygons = nullptr;
uint n_polygons = 0;
void polygons_init_state() {
n_polygons = 20;
polygons = new polygon[n_polygons];
int wall_thickness = 50;
uint n = 0;
// north wall
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::rectangle(width, wall_thickness, INFINITY)
.set_center({width / 2., -wall_thickness / 2.});
// south wall
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::rectangle(width, wall_thickness, INFINITY)
.set_center({width / 2., height + wall_thickness / 2.});
// west wall
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::rectangle(wall_thickness, height, INFINITY)
.set_center({-wall_thickness / 2., height / 2.});
// east wall
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::rectangle(wall_thickness, height, INFINITY)
.set_center({width + wall_thickness / 2., height / 2.});
// middle wall
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::rectangle(50, height / 2., INFINITY)
.set_center({25 + width * 1. / 2, height / 2.})
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::regular(100, 3)
.set_center({100, 400})
.set_speed({200, -10});
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::square(100)
.set_center({600, 400})
.set_speed({-200, -10});
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::general(
{{0, 0}, {100, 0}, {100, 100}, {50, 150}, {0, 100}},
.set_center({200, 600})
.set_speed({10, 0});
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::rectangle(100, 150).set_center({600, 200});
polygons[n++] = poly_generate::regular(50, 5).set_center({150, 150});
polygons[n++] =
poly_generate::general({{0, 0}, {50, 80}, {0, 160}, {-50, 80}})
.set_center({700, 700})
.set_speed({0, -100});
assert(n <= n_polygons);
n_polygons = n;
static double to_rad(double angle_in_deg) {
static double PI_180 = M_PI / 180.;
return angle_in_deg * PI_180;
static double to_deg(double angle_in_rad) {
static double PI_180 = 180. / M_PI;
return angle_in_rad * PI_180;
static bool is_point_inside_rect(rect rect, vec2d point) {
vec2d tl = rect.first, br = rect.second;
return point.x > tl.x && point.x < br.x && point.y > tl.y && point.y < br.y;
static bool bounding_rects_collide(rect cur_bound, rect other_bound) {
vec2d other_tl = other_bound.first, other_br = other_bound.second;
return is_point_inside_rect(cur_bound, other_tl)
|| is_point_inside_rect(cur_bound, {other_tl.x, other_br.y})
|| is_point_inside_rect(cur_bound, {other_br.x, other_tl.y})
|| is_point_inside_rect(cur_bound, other_br);
static double impulse_parameter(
vec2d v_ab1,
vec2d n,
double m_a,
double m_b,
vec2d r_ap,
vec2d r_bp,
double I_a,
double I_b,
double e
) {
double nominator = -(1 + e) * vec2d::dot(v_ab1, n);
double r_ap_cross_n = vec2d::cross(r_ap, n);
double r_bp_cross_n = vec2d::cross(r_bp, n);
double denominator = 1 / m_a + 1 / m_b + r_ap_cross_n * r_ap_cross_n / I_a
+ r_bp_cross_n * r_bp_cross_n / I_b;
return nominator / denominator;
static void handle_collision(collision& c, polygon* a, polygon* b) {
// see for the
// formulas
double omega_a1 = to_rad(a->angular_speed);
double omega_b1 = to_rad(b->angular_speed);
vec2d r_ap = c.impact_point - a->centroid();
vec2d v_ap1 = a->speed + vec2d::cross(omega_a1, r_ap);
vec2d r_bp = c.impact_point - b->centroid();
vec2d v_bp1 = b->speed + vec2d::cross(omega_b1, r_bp);
vec2d v_ab1 = v_ap1 - v_bp1;
if (vec2d::norm(c.overlap) > 10)
c.overlap = -.1 * vec2d::normalize(c.overlap);
// std::cout << c.overlap << std::endl;
if (b->mass == INFINITY)
else {
double ma = a->mass;
double mb = b->mass;
double m_total = ma + mb;
// If b is wall, then mb / m_total = INFINITY / INFINITY = -nan,
// so we need the if statement above
a->translate(c.overlap * mb / m_total);
b->translate(-c.overlap * ma / m_total);
double I_a = a->inertia, I_b = b->inertia;
double j = impulse_parameter(
vec2d v_a2 = a->speed + j * c.n / a->mass;
vec2d v_b2 = b->speed - j * c.n / b->mass;
double omega_a2 = omega_a1 + vec2d::cross(r_ap, j * c.n) / I_a;
double omega_b2 = omega_b1 - vec2d::cross(r_bp, j * c.n) / I_b;
a->speed = v_a2;
a->angular_speed = to_deg(omega_a2);
b->speed = v_b2;
b->angular_speed = to_deg(omega_b2);
static void check_collisions(polygon* current_p) {
rect cur_bound = current_p->get_bounding_box();
collision c;
polygon* other_p;
for (other_p = polygons; other_p != polygons + n_polygons; ++other_p) {
if (other_p == current_p) // polygons don't collide with themselves
rect other_bound = other_p->get_bounding_box();
if ((bounding_rects_collide(cur_bound, other_bound)
|| bounding_rects_collide(other_bound, cur_bound))
&& (c = collides(*current_p, *other_p)).collides) {
handle_collision(c, current_p, other_p);
void polygons_update_state() {
for (polygon* p = polygons; p != polygons + n_polygons; ++p) {
if (p->mass == INFINITY) // immovable objects don't need to be updated
p->rotate(delta * p->angular_speed);
p->angle = std::fmod(p->angle, 360);
p->translate(delta * p->speed);
vec2d g = gravity_vector(p);
p->translate(.5 * delta * delta * g);
p->speed += delta * g;
void polygon::update_global_points() {
double cos_theta = std::cos(to_rad(this->angle));
double sin_theta = std::sin(to_rad(this->angle));
matrix rotation = matrix{{cos_theta, sin_theta}, {-sin_theta, cos_theta}};
for (uint i = 0; i < this->points.size(); ++i)
this->global_points[i] = rotation * this->points[i] + this->center;
void polygon::draw_bounding_rect(cairo_t* cr) const {
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, .7, .7, .7);
double dashes[] = {5, 10};
cairo_set_dash(cr, dashes, 2, 0);
auto bb = this->get_bounding_box();
vec2d tl = bb.first, br = bb.second;
cairo_line_to(cr, tl.x, tl.y);
cairo_line_to(cr, tl.x, br.y);
cairo_line_to(cr, br.x, br.y);
cairo_line_to(cr, br.x, tl.y);
cairo_line_to(cr, tl.x, tl.y);
cairo_set_dash(cr, 0, 0, 0); // disable dashes
static void draw_circle(cairo_t* cr, vec2d p, double radius) {
cairo_translate(cr, p.x, p.y);
cairo_arc(cr, 0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * M_PI);
cairo_translate(cr, -p.x, -p.y);
void polygon::draw(cairo_t* cr) const {
// this->draw_bounding_rect(cr);
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1);
for (auto& point : this->global_points)
cairo_line_to(cr, point.x, point.y);
cairo_line_to(cr, this->global_points[0].x, this->global_points[0].y);
// draw centroid
vec2d centroid = this->centroid();
draw_circle(cr, centroid, 1);
// draw speed
(delta * this->speed).draw(cr, centroid);
void polygons_draw(cairo_t* cr) {
for (const polygon* p = polygons; p != polygons + n_polygons; ++p)
void polygons_destroy() {
delete[] (polygons);