@article{collisions, author = "Jiménez, Juan José and Segura, Rafael J. and Feito, Francisco R.", title = "Efficient collision detection between 2D polygons", journal = "Journal of WSCG", year = 2004, volume = "12", number = "1-3", pages = "191--198" } @article{convexcollisionsSAT, title={Intersection of convex objects: The method of separating axes}, author={Eberly, David}, journal={WWW page}, year={2001} } @article{collision:resolution, title = "Physics Part 3: Collision Response", author = "Chris Hecker", journal = "Game Developer Magazine", year = 1997, url = {http://www.chrishecker.com/images/e/e7/Gdmphys3.pdf}, }