2023-08-02 11:50:10 +02:00

42 lines
1.3 KiB

#include "../doctest/doctest/doctest.h"
#include "answer.hpp"
#if PART == 1
TEST_CASE("Part 1"){
std::vector<Input> expected_input;
expected_input.push_back({.my = Move::PAPER, .opponent = Move::ROCK});
expected_input.push_back({.my = Move::ROCK, .opponent = Move::PAPER});
expected_input.push_back({.my = Move::SCISSORS, .opponent = Move::SCISSORS});
std::vector<Input> actual_input = get_input("sample1");
SUBCASE("Testing input is parsed correctly"){
CHECK(actual_input == expected_input);
SUBCASE("Testing output is the one expected from AOC"){
CHECK(get_result(actual_input) == "15");
#if PART == 2
TEST_CASE("Part 2"){
std::vector<Input> expected_input;
expected_input.push_back({.my = Move::ROCK, .opponent = Move::ROCK});
expected_input.push_back({.my = Move::ROCK, .opponent = Move::PAPER});
expected_input.push_back({.my = Move::ROCK, .opponent = Move::SCISSORS});
std::vector<Input> actual_input = get_input("sample2");
SUBCASE("Testing input is parsed correctly"){
CHECK(actual_input == expected_input);
SUBCASE("Testing output is the one expected from AOC"){
CHECK(get_result(actual_input) == "12");