import re def extract_passports(passports: list): ret = [] kv_re = re.compile(r'(\w+):(#?\w+)') for passport in passports: dic = {} for key, val in kv_re.findall(passport): dic[key] = val ret.append(dic) return ret def get_input(sample = False): with open("sample" if sample else "input", "r") as f: content = passports = content.split("\n\n") return extract_passports(passports) def is_passport_valid_1(passport: dict): fields = {"byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid"} keys = set(passport.keys()) return keys == fields or keys == fields | {"cid"} between = lambda m1, x, m2: int(m1) <= int(x) and int(x) <= int(m2); def is_height_valid(height: str): h_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+)(cm|in)$') if h_re.match(height) == None: return False number, measure = h_re.findall(height)[0] return (measure == "cm" and between(150, number, 193)) or (measure == "in" and between(59, number, 76)) def is_passport_valid_2(passport: dict): is_four_digits = lambda x: re.match(r'^\d{4}$', x) != None rules = {"byr": lambda x: is_four_digits(x) and between(1920, x, 2002), "iyr": lambda x: is_four_digits(x) and between(2010, x, 2020), "eyr": lambda x: is_four_digits(x) and between(2020, x, 2030), "hgt": is_height_valid, "hcl": lambda x: re.match(r'^#[a-f0-9]{6}$', x) != None, "ecl": lambda x: x in ["amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth"], "pid": lambda x: re.match(r'^\d{9}$', x) != None, "cid": lambda x: True} # try: # print(passport["hcl"], rules["hcl"](passport["hcl"])) # except KeyError as e: # pass for key, val in passport.items(): if not rules[key](val): return False return True def get_result(passports: list, part = 1): ret = 0 print(f"{len(passports)=}") for p in passports: if (part == 1 and is_passport_valid_1(p)) or (part == 2 and is_passport_valid_2(p) and is_passport_valid_1(p)): ret += 1 return ret def main(sample = False, part = 1): inp = get_input(sample = sample) res = get_result(inp, part = part) if sample: expected = 2 if part == 2 else 0 print(f"{res=}") print(res == expected) else: print(res) main(sample = False, part = 2)